A Little About Me
With many years of experience, following courses and taking deep dives into the world of photography you can say I’m a freak in the most positive way. I love being between people. The ones that party and the ones that create the parties. Most interesting photos are made from the angles you don’t expect. I will do anything to reach those angles just to surprise my viewers.
My Favorite Quote
[Swedish House Mafia, 2010]The goosebumps never lie.
The eye of the beholder
In my opinion, in the end it is all about the viewers. They tell you what they like or dislike and most of the times also why. In terms of ‘being good’, the viewer, or beholder if you like, determines the quality and value of the photos. Of course you can have some influence on that. The right light, the right location and subject. In my work I always think of those values, every time I take a shot at something or someone, hoping the beholder will feel and see the same.
Let me do your creative thinking
Together with my clients I prepare my shoots. We sit down, talk about the ideas and evolve them. Time is the key here. When experience and value is being shared, beautiful things can be achieved. In the end anything is possible. It mainly depends on the needs and purpose. If there is anything I can help you with, on media territory, please send me a message. A nice talk over a cup of coffee has never hurt anyone, I’d say!